Turn your swirling thoughts into clear strategic direction.

Get a handle on your growing business and scale intentionally with a strategist in your corner.

As seen on:
Business Insider logo The words "Business Insider".
As seen on:
Business Insider logo The words "Business Insider".

In a new, less familiar, phase of business growth?

If so, your role, as founder, is likely expanding into new areas:

You’ve got team members to lead.

You want to be less involved in the day-to-day.

There are constantly multiple areas of the business to improve all at the same time.

If you think about it…it’s actually pretty good…you’ve come so far.

But, honestly? Lately, it’s been stressful.

You feel pulled all over the place

Behind the scenes, there’s so much to figure out.

Like thinking about quality client delivery and increasing retention, overseeing that your team takes full accountability of their work (sigh), making sure sales/marketing are strong enough to keep up with market shifts.

It’s so mentally taxing.

You want to keep growing.

Just not like this.

You’ve got a bigger vision in mind, and want to make sure you can support it.

You dream of making a much bigger impact through your business.

That said, it's important you scale in alignment with your values—and in sustainable way. So you definitely don’t want to slap a band-aid on any potential, deeper, issues as you keep growing.

You're ambitious and kind, chances are you'd love to:

Create a positive impact to improve the lives of others without stretching yourself or your team too thin.

Raise the standard of your industry because you see things can be done differently and you want to pave the way.

Build a business that can run without relying on you to function (or put out fires) on a daily basis.

You’ve just got a big, practical, question: how do you get there?

Let's allocate your time where it matters most to bring your vision to life.

We believe your energy, team, and resources are precious and ought to be well placed—to deliberately set you up for more growth.

To help you figure out where the most valuable places put your attention to strengthen your business, we’ll work with you to:

Zoom out.

Do a “business health check” across all functions. We’ll help you identify what’s working, what to improve, and map out a view of how your business ecosystem can work together to handle more growth.

Level up.

Define the right strategy, structure, and roles for this new phase. Contrary to mainstream advice, we’ve seen you can’t just delegate what you hate your way out of the day-to-day. It takes deliberate design.

Create progress.

Shape your culture so your team moves in the same direction, in the right way. Set the tone to create a team that takes ownership a.k.a no more swooping in to fix things yourself (we’ve all done it 🙈).

Align what you and your team do today to your bigger picture vision to avoid boldly going…nowhere.

Get everyone working on the right things, at the right time, effectively and efficiently.

Molly Patton

Sci-Comm Lead + Producer @ Miscible

After six years of building a business in a burgeoning industry, I had hit the ceiling of my capability based on my experience alone. So, I reached out to Monisha in what felt like a last-ditch effort to save my business (and my career).

I loved the experience from start to finish.

Monisha has this magical way of identifying what's working and what's not, as well as triaging tasks to ensure business can keep operating whilst big things happen behind the scenes.

This was the best business investment I have ever made. I now feel confident in the position my business is in, and in the investments I am making to get to that next level.

Go 👏 book 👏 that 👏 chat!! 👏

Morgaine Trine

Financial Strategist and Bookkeeper

“I knew where I wanted to go, but not how to get there.

Working with Monisha was exactly what I needed!

Monisha was able to see all the pieces of the puzzle and fit them together in a cohesive and approachable way.

She helped me take my general ideas and big picture thinking, and distill that down into a very actionable and detailed plan.

I now have a clear direction and path to follow to make my goals happen.

Strengthen your business without it feeling like juggling.

(A note on taking sustainable action)

You’ve got a living, breathing business. There are lots of commitments that need to be met today. Like service delivery or team training.

That’s why we’re not here to waste time creating static strategy decks that collect digital dust. Or to create lengthy, rigid plans that crumble when faced with an unexpected challenge or obstacle.

Instead, we'll workshop you through making smart choices and taking impactful action—to strengthen your business and get you into your ideal role.

Instead, we'll workshop you through making smart choices and taking impactful action—to strengthen your business and get you into your ideal role.

Create rhythmic progress, not static plans.

You don't want your business to pull you around. But you can’t just pause everything and hide out to make changes for the future.

Even though “maybe I’ll just take a week or month off to get that big CEO project done” might have crossed your mind before hehe.

What we’ve found most effective is to create rhythms that drive sustainable progress and growth. Rhythms that:

  • Balance your needs today and building for the future
  • Set the pace to keep you and your team moving forward together
  • Allow you to stay flexible and adaptable to real-world feedback

We'll get your short-term needs and your long-term aims to work in concert, not competition.

Each growth and strategy execution rhythm is personal to your goals, culture, industry, pace of work, and nature of work. We’ll work collaboratively with you to craft your unique rhythm. So that it fits right into your life and business.

P.S. If you’re worried about making space for this, we can usually help you figure out where to reclaim this time from after we dive behind the scenes to understand how your business works.

Avery Wagner

Wagner Perspective-Owner

The money I spent to work with Monisha it without a doubt the best money I have ever spent in my life-and that's not an exaggeration. Quite frankly, I don't think I paid her enough. She is worth every single penny and MORE.

I reached out to Monisha when I was at a cross roads with my business. With one million ideas constantly swirling in my head about how to more my business forward, AND constant client work piling up, I felt stuck, confused and frustrated.

When I started working with Monisha, I immediately felt a massive sense of relief. I've been joking with friends that this was a 'Monisha take the wheel' (instead of 'Jesus take the wheel' lol) situation and I was truly able to turn things over to her and know that I was in good hands.

Each workshop, Monisha worked with me to dig into every single nook and cranny of my business. We discussed from top to bottom and I felt like she really understood the inner workings of what I am trying to accomplish.

But it wasn't until the end of our journey that my mind was absolutely blown. Sure the workshops were helpful, but it was the documentation that Monisha compiled for the hand off meeting that was almost too impressive to deal with.

She gave me a comprehensive plan that was beyond my wildest dreams. The plan for my business moving forward is AIR TIGHT. I know who I need to hire, how I need to hire, how I need to price, what I need to focus on--I even know how I need to organize and label google drive folders--like she's that specific. It's insane.


Luisa Alberto

Founder and CEO, People First Finance

I was referred to Monisha by a dear friend and fellow business owner when I expressed concerns about my team capacity for growth.

I wanted to scale my business, and had good infrastructure in place, but didn't feel comfortable onboarding new clients and team members into a company culture that was completely reliant on what I had thrown together myself.

From our first call, we were literally finishing each others sentences and flowing naturally from one area of focus to another. I was surprised at how detailed, attentive and process oriented Monisha was for also being a genius when it comes strategy and business design.

I am consistently impressed by her ability to lead and direct our work, meet me wherever I am any given week, and infuse the company values we solidified together into every single decision we make.

I have worked with Monisha for about 7 months now, and I can confidently say that it is the best investment I have made in the last year for my business.

I went from a leader with lack of boundaries, saying the right thing to get the sale, to taking my time making sure that each client we work with is the right fit and that mutual expectations are crystal clear.

I have peace of mind knowing that there is no challenge we can't solve together, and that I have a committed and brilliant mind working alongside me to strengthen my business in every possible way.

I cannot recommend Monisha more highly! She is the real deal and in the number one spot on my list of preferred service professionals.

Samantha Gargour

Founder and Podcast Host, Eco-Startups

“I used to think strategy was something I could do on my own. Now I know it is worth investing in someone who really knows their stuff!

When you hit a wall with your business, everything becomes a blur and you can’t seem to make sense of anything.

I worked with Monisha in a custom program, she came in, sorted through the mess and managed to lead me out of it, culminating in a clear roadmap for the future and how to implement the systems in making things happen!

I enjoyed the whole process of working with her and only wish I had done it sooner. She has great vision, is trustworthy and fun to work with. Just jump on a call with her and see for yourself!”

Marie-Anne Chaloupecky

Founder, Ways of Words

“I was overwhelmed and unsure of how to develop my fast-growing business so as to keep it wholly in line with my values and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

After Monisha’s program, I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders.

Monisha was able to guide me in creating a very clear vision and strategy, and — most importantly — now I have a step-by-step plan I can follow for implementation.

She provides a clear structure to the program, making sure we achieve our objectives in a short amount of time, while staying flexible enough to improvise and adapt when priorities change as a result of our work.

She brings joy to business development and a clear-headed, grounded approach that has been truly game-changing for me.”

You bring the vision. We bring the method.

Be guided in a collaborative 1:1 experience crafted to fit your needs.

It’s possible that a lot of people give you input on your business.

You might crowdsource in the community you’re in, chat with your partner or a business buddy to brainstorm (or just vent haha), or bounce ideas around with your team members.

But in the end, you’re still left to put all the puzzle pieces together yourself. Because the others don’t have all the full context you do about your business.

Instead, imagine being supported through growth by a strategist who deeply gets your values, ambitions, and the intricacies of your business.

  • We set the frame to work with you to wrangle all of these ideas, thoughts, and challenges, into a coherent strategy and direction for your business—specific to your context.
  • So that you don’t have to figure out scaling up all by yourself or follow someone else’s templatized playbook (that doesn’t quite fit your needs anyway).

That’s why we like to say: Your job is to set your business and team up for success. Our job is setting you up for success.

Be guided in a collaborative 1:1 experience crafted to fit your needs.

It’s possible that a lot of people give you input on your business.

You might crowdsource in the community you’re in, chat with your partner or a business buddy to brainstorm (or just vent haha), or bounce ideas around with your team members.

But in the end, you’re still left to put all the puzzle pieces together yourself. Because the others don’t have all the full context you do about your business.

Instead, imagine being supported through growth by a strategist who deeply gets your values, ambitions, and the intricacies of your business.

We set the frame to work with you to wrangle all of these ideas, thoughts, and challenges, into a coherent strategy and direction for your business—specific to your context.

So that you don’t have to figure out scaling up all by yourself or follow someone else’s templatized playbook (that doesn’t quite fit your needs anyway).

That’s why we like to say: Your job is to set your business and team up for success. Our job is setting you up for success.

We set the frame, you make the choices—with structure, support, and guidance.

In our work together, you’ll take your seat as CEO to:

Shape the vision and direction for your business in this new phase

Align your role and your teams’ roles everything works well together

Balance what’s needs to happen today with making improvements for the future

Avery Wagner

Wagner Perspective-Owner

The money I spent to work with Monisha it without a doubt the best money I have ever spent in my life-and that's not an exaggeration. Quite frankly, I don't think I paid her enough. She is worth every single penny and MORE.

I reached out to Monisha when I was at a cross roads with my business. With one million ideas constantly swirling in my head about how to more my business forward, AND constant client work piling up, I felt stuck, confused and frustrated.

When I started working with Monisha, I immediately felt a massive sense of relief. I've been joking with friends that this was a 'Monisha take the wheel' (instead of 'Jesus take the wheel' lol) situation and I was truly able to turn things over to her and know that I was in good hands.

Each workshop, Monisha worked with me to dig into every single nook and cranny of my business. We discussed from top to bottom and I felt like she really understood the inner workings of what I am trying to accomplish.

But it wasn't until the end of our journey that my mind was absolutely blown. Sure the workshops were helpful, but it was the documentation that Monisha compiled for the hand off meeting that was almost too impressive to deal with.

She gave me a comprehensive plan that was beyond my wildest dreams. The plan for my business moving forward is AIR TIGHT. I know who I need to hire, how I need to hire, how I need to price, what I need to focus on--I even know how I need to organize and label google drive folders--like she's that specific. It's insane.


Luisa Alberto

Founder and CEO, People First Finance

I was referred to Monisha by a dear friend and fellow business owner when I expressed concerns about my team capacity for growth.

I wanted to scale my business, and had good infrastructure in place, but didn't feel comfortable onboarding new clients and team members into a company culture that was completely reliant on what I had thrown together myself.

From our first call, we were literally finishing each others sentences and flowing naturally from one area of focus to another. I was surprised at how detailed, attentive and process oriented Monisha was for also being a genius when it comes strategy and business design.

I am consistently impressed by her ability to lead and direct our work, meet me wherever I am any given week, and infuse the company values we solidified together into every single decision we make.

I have worked with Monisha for about 7 months now, and I can confidently say that it is the best investment I have made in the last year for my business.

I went from a leader with lack of boundaries, saying the right thing to get the sale, to taking my time making sure that each client we work with is the right fit and that mutual expectations are crystal clear.

I have peace of mind knowing that there is no challenge we can't solve together, and that I have a committed and brilliant mind working alongside me to strengthen my business in every possible way.

I cannot recommend Monisha more highly! She is the real deal and in the number one spot on my list of preferred service professionals.

Samantha Gargour

Founder and Podcast Host, Eco-Startups

“I used to think strategy was something I could do on my own. Now I know it is worth investing in someone who really knows their stuff!

When you hit a wall with your business, everything becomes a blur and you can’t seem to make sense of anything.

I worked with Monisha in a custom program, she came in, sorted through the mess and managed to lead me out of it, culminating in a clear roadmap for the future and how to implement the systems in making things happen!

I enjoyed the whole process of working with her and only wish I had done it sooner. She has great vision, is trustworthy and fun to work with. Just jump on a call with her and see for yourself!”

Marie-Anne Chaloupecky

Founder, Ways of Words

“I was overwhelmed and unsure of how to develop my fast-growing business so as to keep it wholly in line with my values and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

After Monisha’s program, I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders.

Monisha was able to guide me in creating a very clear vision and strategy, and — most importantly — now I have a step-by-step plan I can follow for implementation.

She provides a clear structure to the program, making sure we achieve our objectives in a short amount of time, while staying flexible enough to improvise and adapt when priorities change as a result of our work.

She brings joy to business development and a clear-headed, grounded approach that has been truly game-changing for me.”

Our Services

How we can work together

Below are the 4 main paths we support our clients on.

We’ll create a 1:1 personal program for you. Our first program with a new client is typically 7-12 weeks to address the most pressing challenge you’re facing. Then, you have the option to roll into monthly support options.

We use a mix of live workshops and asynchronous support.

We meet you where you are, so if you already have some components listed, we focus on the gaps to strengthen your business.

What do you want to work together on:

What do you want to work together on:

Uncap your business capacity

Today, things feel chaotic. You’re hitting a ceiling with your time (or mental bandwidth). You want to keep growing and serve more people, but are kind of stuck spinning in circles on how.

This path is for you if you’ve got to make room for more growth. You want to be able to get a handle on the ebbs and flows of your business, knowing how to scale up when that big opportunity or more work does come your way.

Peek at what we could cover on this path

Direct your business growth strategically

You’re ready to get serious about growth. You’re wondering: where should you put your time? Where should your team put their time?

This path is for you if you’re ready to intentionally set direction and get ahead of your growth. You want to know exactly what your business could grow into (and how to approach it).

You’d love to have a clear vision, and strategy to communicate to be able to put your attention and your teams’ where it matters most to grow. And, start creating rhythms to get there.

Peek at what we could cover on this path

Lead a team that takes ownership

You want to get a better grip on team dynamics, including tricky situations that might be cropping up. Long-term, you want your workplace to be a desired and delightful place to work. So you want to start setting the tone for this now.

This path is for you if you’d love to take shaping your work culture from feeling intangible to well-defined and level up your ability to lead (even if you don’t want to manage your team day-to-day). So that you can set the tone and pave the way for trustworthy team members to take accountability for their role. And, in turn support their growth within the business too.

Peek at what we could cover on this path

Move into your ideal CEO role

Instead of an ever-expanding set of random activities, you’d love your role to suit your strengths and interests.

At scale, you might envision yourself shaping the vision, strengthening strategy and culture, leading (not managing) your team, and diversifying the business. Maybe even speaking or writing more.

This path is for you if you’re ready to get intentional about strengthening your business so that in the future you can get to a place where you can truly stop wearing all of the hats. A place where you can pick and choose what you work on.

You want to make sure that as you make your moves the business maintains a high-quality client experience, a delightful work environment for your team, and expands what you and your business are capable of doing.

Peek at what we could cover on this path

If you’re curious to explore what your work with us could look like, get in touch to start the conversation.

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